Our Story

Our project was not born over night, it was a long process where we
tried to find the best manner to meet your needs in the best possible way.

Our project is aiming at empowering women in abusive relationsips by helping them spot their problem and give them an exit. Most of women who are in an abusive relationship don't even realize it, because of the sentimental factor and because an abusive relationship is based on manipulation and a sentiment of guilt, they think it is their fault and accept their situation until they become completely dependent of their partner, sentimentally and financially.

Finding the Right Idea

Our goal was to create a project that would answer the problematic "fighting violence against women and girls in public and private sphere".
To have a better understanding of the scope of the subject, we each started by exploring the the theme on our own.
We then made a map of the different actors, beneficiaries and users. From that, we were able to pick one target, identify their pain point, their dreal goal and settle on a research question :

How can we help women in abusive relationships to get out of them and ensuring their safeties by empowering them using web technologies?

The idea of making this kind of application came from the experience of one of our members, another one was familiar with it through his closest relations, and from experience we know that there weren’t any applications to help women in that kind of situation which is why we decided to make one. This kind of situation is way more frequent that one may think and can put lives in danger as well as break families. It is a really serious issue that needed to be responded to and it pushed us to take action.

Project Definition

Once we had our research question, the first step toward creating our project was to define it. We found an idea and detailed it enough to answer the following questions :

Finally we started to think of the features and the user flow.


We did several wireframe to imagine how our app could be organised and its layout. Here are the links towards our two attempts :

First attemp
Second attemp

User tests

After drafting a precise proposition, we interviewed several potential users to get feedback on our work. This process was very interresting because it allowed us to understand what features and graphical design was not appealing to our potential target. That is how we learned that we shouldn't pick a pink colour for our pplication or that a feature to assess how healthy the relationship is was missing.


All along those user testing, we did several iteration of our mockup to get the best looking results that would be very intuitive and perfect for the user.

Here is our evolution :

First evolution
Final edition